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  • Location: CASSIOPEIA / Berlin
  • Date: 16 - 18 August 2019
  • Artists: Asian Hawk, Pro Zeiko, Ray-D, Kypski Redmist, ARKAEI, Ray-D, Beatdenker, Tim Kroker, Y-ETizm & Skata, DJ Robert Smith, Jim Dunloop, Sneaky, Beat Matazz, DOSHY, KELLE 3000bpm, L.Atipik, Bioni Samp, DJ Rasp, Slick Walk, Nikk-C, Bob Kruijer, Rolf Hellat, Sir-Cut, Redmist & Friends

After the successful launch of the first pop-up event in Frankfurt, we joyfully celebrated the 5th anniversary of the Sample Music Festival at Cassiopeia Berlin in a grand manner. To commemorate this occasion, we invited renowned artists like KYPSKI, Rasp, L.Atipik and Asian Hawk, who are renowned for pushing the boundaries of turntablism to new heights. With their unique and innovative styles, they provided an unforgettable experience for all attendees.

Besides our annual Finger Drumming World Championship, we hosted an international scratch battle that began some months prior with several smaller competitions in different countries. The victors of each competition were invited to Berlin to compete against one another in the Clash of the Titans battle. This was an event of unparalleled magnitude, with the best of the best from around the world vying for the title of scratch champion.

At our symposium, we presented forward-thinking projects such as datablism, syntablism, midi-tablism, body motion sensoring and the work of Bioni Samp, a captivating fusion of musician, beekeeper, and environmentalist. With their innovative ideas, these projects are sure to revolutionize the way we think about art and technology.

The grand finale of the night was our spectacular after party, featuring dope performances by renowned DJs Robert Smith, Pro-Zeiko, Jim Dunloop, and Slick Walk.